Most Nudibranch are specialist feeders on specific types of sponge, if you can't supply its food then they are impossible to keep alive.
If they reduce in size it means they are not getting fed enough.
Need a well matured tank of at least 100 litres.
Nudibranch do not mix well with powerheads and overflows.
Ceratosoma amoenum Most Nudibranch are specialist feeders on specific types of sponge, if you can't supply its food then they are impossible to keep alive. Clown Nudis grow up to 60 mm in length and can be found on rocky coastlines, from low tide to 40 metres depth. They have been seen feeding on sponges from the genus Semitaspongia and Dysidea fragilis. If they reduce in size it means they are not getting fed enough. Need a mature tank of at least 100 litres.
Dendrodoris dennisoni, Dendrodoris gemmacea
Archidoris wellingtoniensis The warty sea slug is the largest in NZ, reaching lengths of 20cm and weighing up to half kilogram. Can be found on rocky coastlines at or below low tide, under boulders on exposed to semi-exposed shores. It is has been seen feeding on sponges from the genus Semitaspongia, Dysidea fragilis and yellow nipple sponge (Polymastia croceus). If they reduce in size it means they are not getting fed enough
The pink and white Jason's nudibranch grows to 60mm and can be found all around New Zealand, from three metres to below 30 metres. It has a remarkable defensive system, they feed exclusively on polyps of solenderia hydroids.and by some unknown method, they incorporate the hydroids stinging cells into growths (cerata) on their backs. if you can't supply its food leave it where it is.